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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Beyond Tolerance

I am currently reading a highly acclaimed recent book by Gustav
Niebuhr (great nephew of Reinhold Niebuhr and grandson of Richard
Niebuhr-two eminent Christian theologians of America)titled "Beyond
Tolerance" (published by Viking) which cites Swami Vivekanananda's
brilliant talk before the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago
(1893 CE) about the insanity of religions fighting each other in the
name of God and then quotes a New York paper's coverage of the
Swamiji's speech thus, "After hearing him we feel how foolish it is to
send missionaries to this learned nation" (meaning India).

However, India and other developing nations continue to attract
proselytizers of both Christianity and Islam which in recent years
have triggered the aping of their tactics by Hindu fundamentalists as
well, who are indulging in reverse "conversions". Net result,is
communal disharmony which often provokes physical violence, arson,
rape and even murder. All in the name of God, the very embodiment of
love and compassion!

I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in going beyond the
notion of "religious tolerance". The author's message is that mere
religious tolerance is no substitute for the respect that we as
Christians must develop for the faith traditions of non-Christians, by
going deep into the study of them. As long as we remain superficially
educated about our own faith as well as the faiths of others, we will
always remain far apart, and we will never develop the much-needed
respect for the faiths of others.

Until the monotheistic faiths embrace at least modestly the humility
that eastern faiths such as Sanatana Dharma, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism
etc have within their tenets, Christianity and Islam will remain at
odds with other faiths and the clashes of civilizations will become a
reality in our life time.

C. Alex Alexander to Gregorian Study Circle

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